Thursday, November 28, 2024

Traveling, Iowa

After a hotel breakfast buffet (the boys' favorite food), we went to a fancy hotel Thanksgiving brunch (Francisco's favorite genre). The boys' favorite lunch item was the chicken tenders (not, you know, the prime rib or turkey). 

We went for an absolutely freezing walk through the small city in which we dined and overtook a man having an ice cream as he walked?!


Then we finished the drive to Stearns'. (Actually, I napped to Francisco's podcast, which is my preferred way to travel.)

Not only did Stearns bring us lots of Thanksgiving leftovers (her green bean casserole with green beans that she grew!), but she brought us home four lovely children, most of whom I haven't seen in 2 years. Only two of them remember me! The children all tore through the house with high energy, yelling. And they eventually let me read them some books and give them some kisses, so I'm happy. 

We are scheduled to do some serious game playing tomorrow, because Blaze let me know that he is very disappointed that we haven't played any so far. 

Also, I won't be going outside the entire time we're here: we're scheduled for a high of 20 degrees for the entire visit. 

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