Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Weekend

On Saturday, we invited some of my colleagues, who have two kids, one of whom is friends with Blaze, over for brunch. We had a feast and the kids had fun playing. 

Then, a basketball game. Blaze's school had a special day at the basketball game--they got popcorn and books and to give the players a high five when the starting line up was announced. Blaze loved it--lots of his friends were there, and he sat with them during the game. 

At halftime Q and I played very casual--and fun--basketball with a 4-year-old son of one of my colleagues and his parents. 

Oh and the game itself--it was a nationally ranked team and we won! So much fun--I got to chat with two of my former students who now work here. 

I was so tired after all of this that I came home and mostly laid on the couch and/or in bed for the rest of the evening. What is wrong with me? I know Nana would have done of all of this and come home and done more. 

Sunday: Mass, cooking, cooking, cooking (chicken tacos, homemade chicken broth, cauliflower soup, turnips (practicing)), and I put a lot of pictures in a photo album. So I'm doing good on the home activities front. The problem with the photos: I have ten years of photos in no good order, and I'm sticking them in a photo album out of order! That is pretty distressing for a perfectionist. I'm trying to be proud of myself for putting them in an album at all!


Ilana said...

I'm proud of you for doing the photos! I have a box to do and I'm telling myself that it doesn't really matter if the kids' ages change dramatically from one picture to another. They do, however, all have names written on the back. (Mom did that.)

Emily Hale said...

Thank you! You have 8 years to go before you're behind in putting them in albums!

Anonymous said...

omigosh...NOOOO...someday you or your kids will regret it