Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Beyond Saying Sweet

This woman will tell you where to go: "See where that woman in the green shirt is? Go find her and she'll tell you where to pick."

Another man: "Oh yeah, they're sending you over there where the young people pick."

Lenore to Sterns: "Why did they send us down here? Because the bushes are sparser? Because the strawberries aren't as small and sweet? Because they think we look young and don't know any better? Why did they make us split one row?"

The woman in the green shirt, to another group: "Here are three rows, and when you're done here, we'll find more rows for you."

Lenore to Sterns: "Why do they get three rows and we have to split one?"

Sterns: "They're Mennonites. And they said they were going to pick for most of the day."

Now I think that we all know that fortitude is not one of my strongest points. I am, however, deeply offended when people pick this out about me immediately. I like to think that they can't tell that I've been "citified" or was never properly a strong country girl. All that to say, I knew that if that lady in the green shirt, who was clearly keeping an eye on us (Lenore: "How do you know?" Sterns: "Because she was looking at me the last three times I looked up."), told us we couldn't eat the strawberries while we picked, then I was going to get out of there.

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