Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mill Creek Manor

Emily: "You only have to confess your mortal sins."
Ilana: "What are immortal sins?"
The brother: "Wait quote me."
Emily: "What's your nickname? What's your favorite book?"
The brother: "The Power of One."
Sterns: "No! That's like chick lit for boys. He likes Where the Red Fern Grows. What is the main character of Where the Red Fern Grows?"
The brother: "I have no idea!"
Emily: "Name your top three books."
The brother: "How about movies?"

We settled on Braveheart.

Also: I have a pretty intense phobia of being pointed at. Every phobia has a cute name, except this one, which one would think is pretty common.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
