Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grocery Stores Get Smaller!

Gentle readers, because I know how Myrhh feels about grocery stores and talking about them, I couldn't let this article go without comment. Grocery stores are getting smaller. I know how I feel about this change (I just told my students yesterday not to use "feel," but to always use "think"; I also taught them what a split infinitive is! Imagine! They hadn't heard of it.). I am all for smaller grocery stores that conduce to quick visits. It also dovetails nicely with the small town/local/agrarian thing.
This picture may capture one aspect of grocery stores that I hate: florescent lights, sterile hospital floors, too much visual stimulation on the shelves (the problem of other shoppers who notice as you walk the length of the store for the eighth time because you can't find where they keep the damn marshmellows, squeeky carts, long checkout lines, and the Trader Joe checkout people who are so fakely chatty and friendly [or perhaps it's real, in which case I question their mental stability] aren't even touched on by this picture). Today is grocery shopping day for me (about half a week late), if you can't tell by my extra animosity on this point; I am only going because I have only eggs and an onion remaining in the refrigerator.

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