Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On Humilty and Community

"[I]t is always the humble man who talks too much; the proud man watches himself too closely."
--GKC, "The Man Who Was Thursday"

(Imagine how proud I am after reading this line!)

Also, I'm vaguely happy and surprised to wake up this morning/afternoon, what with the particle accelerator and all. Although I wasn't actually all that worried about the world being wiped out, as long as the whole world was wiped out at the same time, I think it wouldn't bother me so much (this is where my uber-communal tendencies show through ["Myrrh-cry!"]). I just wouldn't want to die myself and have everyone else go on without me.


Anonymous said...

O, I forgot about the atom-smasher! I was looking forward to getting excited about that. I was kind of hoping that it would cause a massive chain reaction and wipe out the universe in a really-cool-special-effects kind of way.

Anonymous said...

"Piled Higher & Deeper" is running a neat series of comics on the collider. (And if you don't know about, Emily, shame on you.)