Thursday, October 23, 2008


From Go Fug Yourself: "[H]er character, Rachel, is way too elegant to ever wear what is essentially a shiny orange satin cupcake with a broach in her hair and matching shiny orange shoes."

Okay, so I'm not crazy about the ballerina-ness of the skirt, but please!--let's not make fun of wearing broaches in your hair; that is just pure creativity. And really, the shoes might be a little matchy, but it's nothing that's above me. I love her jewelry, including where she wears it.

Well, we can always make fun of me and fashion--there was the time that I wore white pants and a purple shirt and a pink blazer to the symphony. The outfit made perfect sense to me until I got home and my roommate set me straight...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even Lily and Elle could have set you straight on that one, dear...