Wednesday, October 15, 2008


To the post, On the Evils of Constant Communication, Wendell said...

"Emily, I am so glad you can multitask. So many of my other friends have 'blogs,' but they never write anything on them. I have good reason to believe this is because they are on Facebook all the time. Of course, you are also on Facebook all the time, but you still manage to write many good things here. For which I am grateful."

Somehow, I think that this is what they call a left-handed compliment. As an aside, I am insulted by the term "left-handed compliment"--it is unfair to denigrate left-handed-ness, of which I am quite proud. Occasionally people try to do this in the Bible, too (the whole sheep and goats bit). This is really a problem.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I had only heard the term backhanded compliment before. That is less offensive anyway.

Emily Hale said...

Actually, to be perfectly honest, I think I've only heard "backhanded compliment" before, too. But when I was wikipedia-ing it to be sure that that was correct (Stearns can tell you that I tend to mix metaphors), I saw "left-handed compliment" and thought it would be more dramatic to be offended at that...