Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The End of the Semester

Giving class evaluations is surprisingly stressful--stepping outside of the room while the students are all chatting happily away. Plus, the fact that the evaluations requested that the students figure out three words that describe me. This just seems absurd. One of my friends, who I a Polish-British (I don't know if they hyphenate there) said that her students inevitably describe her as "British." One even said, "British, yet Polish." Anyway, the students suggested that it would have been better if I'd brought them chocolate for while they filled out evals. I told them that one of my friends had recommended that, but that I'd had a moral dilemma with my chocolate before class--I wanted to bring it to them, but that meant that I wouldn't be able to eat it.

I won. It was Reese's Christmas bells. How ridiculous we are--Christmas bells?

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