Friday, January 23, 2009

On Spinsterhood

Robinson: okay, back to work
have a good evening ms. hale
Emily: Robinson, you too, and i'll talk to you soon!
(miss, please!)
R: miss? i always think of you as a divorcee
E: haha
R: the smoking and such
E: !!!
R: you'd make a great spinster
E: !!!!
you are an evil evil evil person!
R: wait, does spinster have a sexual connotation?
E: no
it just means single forever
R: okay
okay, then i redact it
though i do think you could have been a charcter in housekeeping [the novel]
E: i don't know what to say to you
i'm a character, presumably there's something good about that
R: its a compliment
E: oh my
R: (kind of)
E: okay, thank you
(kind of)
R: hahaha
okay, for real, i'm out

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