Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Richmond From the Highway

The Richmond train station is beautiful, perhaps especially at night. It is the thing that I like best on 95 South from DC (except, really, this odd pole with Marlboro written on it--it is basically a giant monument that is reminiscent of a carton of cigarettes. Incidentally, although I've only very infrequently smoked in a car, I decided to use my last match on the way home. I was smoking when I reached that very strange Marlboro tower. Car smoking involves winding the windows down, which is invigorating in January. In addition, I was listening to a wonderful song that I don't know the name of, but the refrain is, "You're pretty good looking, for a girl." I turned it way up and set it on repeat for like an hour. It turns out that that song is a lot of fun to sing to.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warren tells me that a lot.
He likes that song.