Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Good Things in Life

Percy's house for cigarettes and coffee and Yeats and a little bit of studying is always delightful.

Highlights include:

Percy: "Sometimes it seems like English is not your first language." (This directly after I confused drive and reverse. I don't think that I hit the other car, which is really more than I can say for Graham...)

Also, a limerick (about my grandmother, whose name is Lorraine):

There once was a girl named Lorraine
Who had thoughts inside of her brain.
She told them, "Come out!
And stop rattling about,
Or I'm sure I'll go stark raving sane!"

Unrelatedly: I really like Woody Allen movies, at least the ones I've seen so far, because he basically walks around talking--chatting without stopping. This is clearly a delightful way to be. Evidently I've been emulating Woody Allen from a young age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, no, the point of Woody Allen is not that you're supposed to be like him...