Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Silmarillion in China: An Email

My brother is precious. I think that I'll intersperse editorial comments throughout his email:

"Hey everyone...
I just wrote you a really long email but then i sent it when the internet wasnt on and lost it. [Actually, the first email that he thought he lost, I received as well. The 'really long email' to which he refers is shorter than this one.] So now ill try it again but maybe a little bit shorter. I have been having an amazing time here. Being here for the 4 extra days has really been nice. We have been able to get more touring and its nice not having school work hanging over your head. The three guys in our team are really sweet and we are having a really fun time. Some of the girls are cool but some are starting to step on my nerves. [Who says 'step on my nerves'?--I think that this is a delightful turn of phrase.] Sorry i havent contacted you yet but its hard to find time and focus on a comp screen for a long time. [Everyone else in his trip has evidently already written home, except the Silmarillion, who must have developed a problem focusing on computer screens sometime on his flight.] We dont have a whole lot to do on Sunday (tomorrow for me)or Monday so ill try to find some time then. Im taking scads of pics and writing a little bit of a journal every day. ['Scads of pictures'--another great line; also, it appears that the Silmarillion prefers contractions without apostrophes.] The food here is absolutely amazing. I have been eating things that i never thought i would. Today for lunch, I sucked the brain out of a fish. [This is the boy who used to sit at dinner and pick the blood vessels out of a chicken breast. I am so proud of him!] I hope you all have been doing well.

1 comment:

Myrrh said...

It's often hard to find the apostrophe key on foreign keyboards. The whole time I was in Europe visiting Elizabeth Bennet (right?), I had to write contractions without apostrophes, and it drove me crazy.