Monday, June 1, 2009

BCSC, Summer Session

The impromptu dance party started when several members of the house put on their sunglasses and smoking robes (which looked almost exactly like bathrobes), the lights went out and the strobe light went on. First it was just Henry and Aristotle, and then Wendell danced through the middle with a drink shaker and his black bathrobe, twirling in the middle, shaking his drink to the music. At some point early on, Henry grabbed a mop, and for the rest of the night we danced with the mop. Aristotle did not disappoint with a total of 7 or 8 costume changes--first it was a white leisure suit, then his bathrobe and boxers, then a dark suit and straw hat, then his velvet blazer, then his pink pants. And then Whigwham started the break dancing. This was before the limbo stick and the all-robot dance and the shot ferris wheel (with Aristotle banging a knife against a glass). Henry would announce in a deep DJ voice at short intervals while stuttering the music, "BCSC. Summer session. Totally Bitchin.'" I think that every Sunday evening should end with dancing.

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