Tuesday, June 9, 2009


"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife."

Thankfully for us women, this is in fact not that far from being true. In fact, I can think of few, if any, single men who aren't in want of a wife. And so I offer you Robinson.

Robinson is a 20-something graduate student who reads a chapter of a book by James Ceasar every night before bed. If this doesn't cry out that he's ready for marriage, I don't know what does. While graduate students very rarely do have large fortunes, Robinson will most certainly end up with one: basically every professor I've ever met thinks that Robinson is the greatest thing since sliced bread (my least favorite metaphor, since I don't yet understand what's so great about sliced bread, except that the slices are even, which I have a lot of trouble making them on my own. But I would say that evenness is overrated. In fact, I bet that Oakeshott would call evenness in bread slices rationalism in cooking, or something to that effect.).

Robinson is an avid runner and an occasional pipe smoker. His students adore him and follow him around and imitate him. Basically everyone does this, teachers and students alike. I mean, it was only today that I was reading a section of his dissertation to find out how to include secondary literature in my discussion. It was only a couple of months ago that I was sent to his dissertation proposal as a model for how mine should look. And so you see, his shadow is rather long. I want to be clear, however, that I did not follow him from our undergrad alma mater to Georgetown. I shunned Robinson's example and took a detour in Waco, Texas. That didn't turn out so well.

Robinson loves Walker Percy and says morning and evening prayers from the 1928 BCP (I wish that I did this). One negative is that he does not own hot pads. This led to the unfortunate incident of me taking brownies out of his oven using a paper towel, which promptly burst into flames (I remember throwing it down and saying, "Robinson, you'll have to put this out." And he did. So he's basically a firefighter, which is just like being in the military. Which I am trying to properly respect).

Robinson is such a gentleman. I mean, don't let the word out on this, because he'll be swamped with female friends, but he doesn't really like to let women pay for things. Also, he owns things with elbow patches on them. Basically, he is the ideal man.