Friday, October 22, 2010


Gosh, I love Pennsylvania frugality! Washing out Styrofoam cups to reuse them--didn't I grow up doing this! I give you: Yuengling flourishing and expanding. (HT: Hopkins.)

1 comment:

whigwham said...

How sad. Why can't Yuengling stay a good, regional brewery? Going national will make it extremely difficult to maintain as a family-owned business. They'll just turn into another Sam Adams or Bud. The article says as much:

"[I]t's unclear how Yuengling beers will fare with consumers in new markets. Some of Yuengling's success stems from its cachet as a hard-to-get brew."

"One reason for Yuengling's relative success is that many drinkers view it as being in the same camp as microbrews and other specialty domestic beers, though its main brands are priced similarly to Bud Light and Miller Lite."