I realized today, while emailing a friend, that I have comfort literature: When I was little it was Janette Oke (when my college English major roommate found out that I read Janette Oke, she almost didn't become friends with me--she basically wrote a thousand Christian romances that we loved growing up--especially the one about the handsome North West Mounted Police). Now it's Anne of Green Gables--as I've mentioned before on this blog, there is nothing in life that I've encountered that Anne of Green Gables hasn't also dealt with. T.S. Eliot is another such author--usually I love his
Four Quartets, but these days,
The Waste Land is doing it for me. It's so comfortable to read something you've read tons of times before; you already know what it will say. It's definitely a lot like a grilled cheese sandwich and tea while all wrapped up in blankets.
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