"'Be it done unto me according to thy word' surrenders yourself and all that is dear to you to God, and the trust which it implies does not mean trusting God to look after you and yours, to keep you and them in health and prosperity and honor. It means much more, it means trusting that
whatever God does with you and with yours is the act of an infinitely loving Father."
Caryll Houselander (Is that a girl or a boy??),
The Reed of God (How did I miss this point my whole life?)
"Q. What does that
little word 'Amen' express?
A. 'Amen' means,
This is sure to be!
It is even more sure
that God listens to my prayer,
than that I really desire
what I pray for."
--The Heidelberg Catechism
1 comment:
Caryll was a remarkable English mystic in the tradition of Julian of Norwich. But of course, she was writing some 700 years later...
that's a wonderful quote!
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