Friday, April 15, 2011

Chicago.5 The End

Before attending one last conference reception (I've found that receptions are usually a safe part of conferences to attend, depending on whether the bar is open or not), I went on one last Chicago walk at sunset in the city. I was delighted by the buildings--the architecture is whimsical and the light, particularly when the sun is setting, is stunning.

I've never seen anything like this in real life--whole streets looked like an over-exposed picture because the setting sun was washing them out with brightness.

This isn't a building, but it was shocking! A bunch of their flowers and trees were spray painted different colors. I suppose it was art?

I just imagine that it had to do with the fact that spring comes so late to Chicago--they have to fake flowering trees by painting theirs.

I love this curving building (in the two pictures above). It was my favorite one.

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