Saturday, April 16, 2011


This past weekend, Stearns and I went up to Philly to watch #1tomatolover play in a rugby tournament. Rugby is quite a sport! Before this weekend, the only thing I knew about rugby came from Invictus, which we watched with #1tomatolover. Now I know more, although not a lot. I know that rucks and scrums are different. I know about wheeling a scrum. I know that you get very, very dirty while playing rugby and that it isn't entirely safe. For instance, here is a small pile of glass the team picked up off of the field before their first game:

#1tomatolover is one of the people they lift up on a line out. Sometimes they lift him up; sometimes he just jumps a little and they lift someone up in the back of him (it's a fake out).

The scrums that happened in puddles were the most fun to watch:

Throughout the day, #1tomatolover accumulated more and more mud until he was entirely covered with it. He scored his first ever goal for us! (Lest you think that means that he isn't a very good player, it doesn't--he's not in the position that is supposed to score a lot.) He's also amazing at tackling people! I love watching sports from the sidelines--the sort where you have to stay on your guard so that one of the players doesn't run over you.

Also: I found it endlessly amusing that one of the spectators on the other side, kept trying to figure out what Grove City's mascot was. He kept saying loudly, "Are they the Grove City Trees?" Which I thought was hilariously foolish--what sports team would name themselves after something that stands perfectly still? And then I realized that the "grove" in "Grove City" made him think of a grove of trees. So it wasn't such a stupid idea after all.

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