Thursday, March 8, 2012


In honor of the solar storm that's going on. I am dying to see some auroras. The thing is, it's wicked cloudy here, and there's a full moon, so the chance is low. But I could've sworn that the sky was green when I looked out earlier!

What is it? With cats in order to like them you're supposed to want what the cat wants (I don't like cats because I almost never want what they want--I want to pet them when it occurs to me to do so). I think it's the same way with God. You have to want what He wants. And though I can't understand it, I guess He doesn't want me to see the auroras tonight. Perhaps I need to move to Alaska...


Myrrh said...

You're comparing cats to God... they would be so pleased with you.

Emily Hale said...

Ha. Are you on the cats' side?

Gypsy said...

Cats and God? Hah!!! I miss you dearly.