Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Since I'm in the being-thankful mood, I think I'd better say something about Francisco. I arrived into town some time ago to see a little Emily-shrine of all of my favorite things: Reese's Pieces (which I guess I pronounce wrong--I always say Reeses [with two long e's] and make "Pieces" rhyme with that; of course, with the number of them that I've eaten in my life, I think I should have naming rights), bread, and flowers. The boy is sure generous and thoughtful.

(I photoshopped the words off the card--I figure not everything in my life needs to be wide open for the whole internet to see. But they were nice words: the boy's not a writer for nothin'.)


Diana said...

Love this whole post, but especially the part about you using Photoshop. Is it true?!

Emily Hale said...

Okay, so, I thought it was photoshop, but I guess it's just Picasa editing tools...

Wait, is Photoshop exciting? I really like leaving photos as they are. Francisco loves editing them.