Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Mystery of the Hereafter and The Peace of God that Passeth Understanding

You guys know I'm a sucker for a good graveyard. Last week, Stearns and #1tomatolover and Francisco and I headed up to Rock Creek Cemetery to visit the Adams Memorial. Henry Adams commissioned this statue in honor of his wife, Marian "Clover" Hooper Adams, after her suicide.

The sculpture's name is "The Mystery of the Hereafter and The Peace of God that Passeth Understanding" (although it's commonly called "Grief"). The sculptor's name is Augustus Saint-Gaudens.

It's supposed to be neither male nor female and is influenced by Buddhist artwork.

The whole graveyard was full of lovely and interesting gravestones:

1 comment:

Diana said...

That sculpture is beautiful but also super creepy.