Saturday, February 23, 2013


I'm in a very ranty mood. I have a lot of opinions on almost every topic (and the topics I don't care about, I passionately don't care about). So I asked Francisco for a random rant topic. Today's was fake British accents (someone told him that he had one--a slight British accent, not a fake British accent).

I have an opinion about this. No American, no matter how long he or she studied abroad in England, should have any sort of British accent. Eliot affected one many years ago. Many of my best friends affect one today. People: you don't (or shouldn't) pick up an accent by living somewhere for a year. Just scare it away and refuse to let it come back. There's really no excuse.

Years ago, I spent a week in England with a girl who picked an accent up while we were there. She has it to this day.

I know a British accent makes British people sound smarter than other people. But a fake British accent on Americans just makes them sound weirder than other people.

* I once knew a girl who claimed to have a Minnesotan accent (she didn't have one). I naively asked how much time she spent in Minnesota. She said, "Three months." Oh my.

** Your rant suggestions are always welcome!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

I completely agree.