Monday, February 11, 2013

The Kreeger


Francisco got us Groupon tickets to the Kreeger museum in Georgetown, which we visited the last time i was in DC. I invited several people to come along (Hopkins, Stearns, Sequins), but they said no immediately, without even looking the museum up! (Actually, I think they just had other plans.)


I love small museums in houses. While I am a defender of modernism, this wasn't my favorite house. It seemed like it was designed as a museum--there were tall ceilings and almost no furniture, and there was carpet on the walls. The carpet just seemed odd and 60s-ish. I prefer to be house-museums to be absurdly over-the-top with baroque side tables everywhere. This Philip Johnson house was the picture of minimalism and restraint.

(The two pictures above were my favorites.)


The thing about the museum is that it had works by many well-known artists, but they were quirkier pictures by those artists. (Above: Chagall.) For instance, I would've never in a million years guessed it, but this one is a Mondrian:


Better known as the guy who does this:


I did love this handrail and the work behind it.


There were also quite a few modernist sculptures. Here's Francisco's favorite:


And here's mine:


(It was fascinating to view the female curves which twisted and turned and were visible from all sides.)

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