Tuesday, March 26, 2024


We spent Monday traipsing around the city with my parents. (It's funny--I like the neighborhoods outside the city much more than the center, but with guests we always head to the big, busy parts.)

First we went to the Sky Garden, a big view of the city.

 Then we walked to a coffee shop in a lovely old church, where the front wall was built at an angle. 

We stopped at St. Paul's (free because there was a lunch time service). 

We stopped in Trafalgar Square and a park we like on the Embankment. 

We stopped in a pub in Covent Garden for a runny scotch egg (which I'd been wanting to try). 

And then home: Nana played at the park with Blaze. I made lentil sausage soup with vinegar. 

And in the evening--more Pit. 

Now I've gotten Nana and Papa onto a train to visit their friends outside of London for a couple days. 


Ilana said...

The wall at an angle is totally jarring.

Emily Hale said...

Mom read that it followed the shape of an existing alley. City architecture!