Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Weekend

I'm back from the edge of the grave, basically resurrected. I had a little energy for Christmas decorating on Friday night, though my head was still throbbing. This morning I woke up headache-less and hungry for the first time in days. 

Saturday: Q's basketball game, Book-it Pizza Hut, the library, the local food store, Santa Clause pictures and ornament-making, caught my basketball game, ate an incredible Thanksgiving feast that Francisco prepared, and went to mass. A day!

Oh, at mass: The priest made the whole homily about something speculative (whether John the Baptist was a member of the Essenes sect of Judaism). He presented this as if it were definitely true, and he was the wise person with this secret knowledge, sharing it with us. One consoling thing--Q looked over at me at mass and whispered, "Do you think this is true?" Even my ten-year-old has a sense that it's not as true as the priest is making it out to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God! it is good to hear your feeling better!