Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Awkward Wedding Pictures

Looking today at pinterest for wedding pose ideas, I realized that 90 percent of them make me nauseous. So, in the vein of Awkward Family Photos, I give you a mere smattering of the awkward wedding pictures that pinterest contains:

The nose-smash kiss. Always awkward.

The vampire picture.

There are so. many. inappropriate pictures. This is the tamest. I promise.

What if he had three arms, so he could wrap her even more tightly?

Ew to making a heart on her butt with your hands.

Okay, so, this one is sort of excellent.

Maybe this is too liberated woman of me, but I'm wary whenever a woman is doing something that children do.

Basically, there are very few wedding pictures that I don't hate. Uh-oh.


Miss Self-Important said...


Emily Hale said...

Sending these to my photographer asap to see if he can do that for us;)

Sonetka said...

A few years ago, a friend of mine was taking wedding photos for a couple who were having a rustic-type reception and barn dance. So far, so good, and it was going pretty well until the skies started getting really dark, thunder, lightning, and suddenly the tornado sirens started up and the trees were practically snapping in half. She kept taking photos as everyone went running for the nearest cellar, crammed themselves in while watching for funnels, and then finally were able to resume the reception when the weather system had passed. The photos were undoubtedly the best wedding pictures I've ever seen. I'm not sure if you want to go to those lengths, though!

(And the vampire pic just bothers me -- how could anyone think that was good pose, unless they're making test posters for "Bride Of Nosferatu," is beyond me).

Emily Hale said...

So glad I'm not getting married in the midwest! We even practiced disaster preparedness in church there!