Friday, June 14, 2013


As a lover of ribbed vaulting in basically any form, I was entranced by the King's College chapel's ceilings. The windows weren't so bad, either.

I overheard a tour guide talking about Rubens' Adoration of the Magi (above), a rather recent gift. He said that it was uninsurable, because the price was too high (how is that even possible--can't someone insure everything?). He also said that the painting was once attacked with a knife and carved into. He said that you can still see the trace of what they carved if you look closely.

1 comment:

Sonetka said...

Seeing buildings like that always makes me wish I'd decided to throw practicalities to the wind and run off to school there, just so I could sit in buildings like those all day (though doubtless they'd have looked less charming once the bills came due). I do have to question the wisdom of advertising the fact that the Rubens is so valuable as to be uninsurable. Don't they worry that someone will take that as a challenge?