Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Last weekend, Francisco's best friend's girlfriend mentioned to me that NK doesn't know what day her birthday is.

I cycled through Shock! Amazement! and Disbelief! that she's dating someone who doesn't know her birthday. I turned to Francisco because obviously he can rattle my birthday right off--this is what's really great about fiances--and what do I see but him furiously typing into his phone. When he smiled sheepishly upon being observed, it occurred to me that he was trying to quickly find my birthday in his google calendar. That's right: the man I'm marrying in mere weeks only knows the month in which I was born, and nothing else.



Sonetka said...

If it helps, Robert Browning didn't even know Elizabeth Barrett's birth YEAR until long after she was dead, let alone her birthday (he did know she was some years older than he, though -- she hadn't been intentionally trying to obfuscate the issue). I can't find the book which has the copy of the letter he wrote on the subject, but if I remember correctly it was something along the lines of "Well, it just never came up."

Emily Hale said...

This is awesome. It does make it better. Love EBB.