MD: "This observation on the limits of the analogy - the limits of man's likeness to God in biblical language - must also be kept in mind when, in different passages of Sacred Scripture (especially in the Old Testament), we find comparisons that attribute to God "masculine" or "feminine" qualities. We find in these passages an indirect confirmation of the truth that both man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God. If there is a likeness between Creator and creatures, it is understandable that the Bible would refer to God using expressions that attribute to him both "masculine" and "feminine" qualities."
MD: "This characteristic of biblical language - its anthropomorphic way of speaking about God - points indirectly to the mystery of the eternal "generating" which belongs to the inner life of God. Nevertheless, in itself this "generating" has neither "masculine" nor "feminine" qualities. It is by nature totally divine."
EH: Once again, Pope John Paul II is pointing us to the similarities between men and women--the way in which both man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God. He also talks about the way in which fatherhood and motherhood, human generation, bears an analogy to the generation of God.
MD: "At the beginning of the New Covenant, which is to be eternal and irrevocable, there is a woman: the Virgin of Nazareth. It is a sign that points to the fact that "in Jesus Christ" "there is neither male nor female" (Gal 3:28). In Christ the mutual opposition between man and woman - which is the inheritance of original sin - is essentially overcome. "For you are all one in Jesus Christ", Saint Paul will write (ibid.)."
MD: "The comparison Eve-Mary can be understood also in the sense that Mary assumes in herself and embraces the mystery of the "woman" whose beginning is Eve, "the mother of all the living" (Gen 3:20)."(Mary reveals and becomes the dignity of woman, how woman was created to be (and how Eve, through sin, failed to be). Mary discovers this through a sincere gift of self.)
EH: What strikes me the most in reading this thus far (again) is not how different men and women are, but how similar--for instance, Pope John Paul II emphasizes that Jesus makes women his disciples. What's radical about Jesus' treatment is that he shows them the truth about themselves in the same way that he shows it to men. Women (and his disciple John) stick by him at the cross. Before talking about the differences between men and women, John Paul II talks about their equality.
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