Friday, September 19, 2014

Baby Leopard

My favorite things: When he gets worked up and when he nurses he makes a tight little fist and holds it right up to his cheek. His little involuntary smiles, which come fast and furious after a good feeding. His fine eyelashes (I suspect he inherited Francisco's long eyelashes, because mine are nothing to write home about). The way he opens his mouth and throws his head back like a hungry baby robin whenever he sees me.

Also, our 80-something-year-old gardening neighbor met him yesterday. She said that she wants to plant a rose in his honor. She said, "I know you'll move and get a house, but you can bring him back here and show him where he was born."


Gypsy said...

How sweet of her! He is darling in every photo.

Diana said...

I love these sweet memories!

Myrrh said...

That is adorable. I love her.

hopkins said...

neighbors are the best!