Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronadiaries, Day 8

Today the kid and I went on a walk in a little enclosed garden (that is usually locked except when I'm at work, but now I'm not at work...) and got to see the very beginnings of spring.

As well as (let's hope) the very end of winter:

Just some phone pics, but you get the idea.

Yesterday, since we don't have masses, we did the reading (and talked about it), said some prayers (including our family saints, newly taped on the wall, courtesy of Tomie de Paola and the fact that we've only hung one of our actual pictures), recited the creed, sang a hymn (the kid is obsessed with "God We Praise Thee"), did one of the stations of the cross (not really a Sunday thing, but, you know).

And I'm not really into mass online, but I stumbled on mass from where I grew up, with a priest I'm much more attached to than our priest here. So that was comforting in its normalcy. It was entertaining that the baby sat on my lap enthralled simply because it was on a screen, whereas when it is in person, he simply runs around.

The kid and I are enjoying Richard Wilbur's opposites, which Aunt Ilana gave us ages ago. And we are working on snap circuits for the first time, which is ok, but I really need more electrical information than the instruction book is giving me. I remember being pretty confused about it all when I learned it in high school.

Also, speaking of electricity, one of our light switches seems to be giving out (it say something like, "bzzt, bzzt"). Do we: a) invite an electrician who may have the virus into our house? b) risk electrocution by trying to fix it ourselves? or c) tape up the switch and never use it again, thereby risking (according to the internet--hopefully this isn't true--electrical fire)? I am undecided.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

invite the electrician