Friday, June 21, 2024


Late on our last night in the UK, before Francisco headed out on some more adventures and the boys and I headed to my hometown, we learned that Francisco's dad died. Though he had a very serious health condition that we knew would eventually lead to his death and though he had declined in recent months, this was very unexpected. Please pray for Francisco's dad and for Francisco and his family. What a painful time for Francisco and I to be apart. 


The flight: The boys were delighted by video games, movies, and shows. I, too, was looking forward to some movies--I glanced at the selection and picked out three to watch, only to discover that the place where my headphones plug in was non-functioning. For that they gave me only a glass of champagne. Not fair. I love airplane movies! So instead I listened to Flannery, worked, and napped. That was not the day I was anticipating. I hadn't even packed a book. 

On his last day of school Q's teacher invited him to share with the class some pictures from his year and from America. He gave a little talk. I love this. 

When we told Blaze that we wouldn't see daddy for a couple of weeks, he said, "What if we have an internet problem?" Indeed kid, indeed. Francisco is indispensable when it comes to technology. (And so so much more.)

Papa and Nana so kindly picked us up, helped us carry out luggage, and drove us home. (We stopped at chick-fil-a. It's constant culture shock for me--I haven't thought about U.S. chains for a year! And driving this morning I couldn't remember what side of the road to drive on.) Anyway, Nana and Papa brought us to their wonderful home, which is in my view the ideal place to be in the summer. Look: our anniversary flowers!

As soon as we got to their house, totally exhausted, Q and Papa were throwing a football; Blaze was petting the kitty he loves and trying out the rollerskates that he's been thinking about for months. 

These boys are so so so happy to be here. Q is so peaceful here. They are both overjoyed. Blaze this morning said, "I have so many things to do!" He's got a list. 

They went yard sale-ing with Nana, which ended with donuts. 

Then we headed up to my brother's to swim. I got to hold my 11-day old nephew, which was heavenly. And meet their pigs. And see my many other nephews. 

On the way home, Blaze sagely asked, "Why do so many people have American flags?" This is an enormous difference from the UK, where flags outside peoples' houses are rare. 

I am totally exhausted and jet lagged. We were all up for a while in the middle of the night, especially Blaze. 


Hopkins said...

I’m so so sorry to hear about Francisco’s Dad. Please know of my prayers! ❤️

Emily Hale said...

Thank you so very much!