Sunday, July 14, 2024


We came home to this de-lightful picture by Blaze from his farm camp, which he attended while we were gone. 

He had a great time with Nana and then with Stearns. But thankfully he did miss me a bit. Nana told me that the first night, when heading to sleep, he suggested to Nana that they talk about their feelings. "How do you feel?" he asked her. She said that she felt happy because they had such a nice day, and asked him how he feels. He said, "I feel sad because the person who usually lays down with me isn't here." He cried a few tears and was then ok. 

Before bed, I got to have beer and lightning bugs with Stearns. 

In the morning, we headed down to our creek, where we caught crayfish, raced bamboo boats, and took a little walk up the creek. 

I can't help but do a little mudlarking, which is way different here: 

Then Ilana and her kids arrived and we headed to another creek beach. 

The kids swam, Blaze did flips, teenagers used the rope to swing out and jump into the water. 

The little girls threw rocks. Blaze made and dropped dozens of the self-declared greatest mud-bomb ever (and one normal mud-bomb). 

Nana and Papa made chicken, corn on the cob, green beans, roasted turnips from the garden, scalloped potatoes and salad. And then two cakes for dessert. A ridiculous feast. 

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