Friday, July 19, 2024


Views from the porch, which I enjoy with coffee in the morning.

Blaze had a fever and headache on Sunday and Wednesday. Unfortunately with a fever that no one else is getting, in Pennsylvania in the summer, you have to worry about Lyme disease. We're keeping an eye on him, but he seems okay now. Fingers crossed. 


The boys have loved their swimming lessons this week--today is the last day. (Blaze was so sick that he had to stay home on Thursday.)

I finished Death Comes for the Archbishop. I loved the line that went something like, I will not die of a cold; I will die of having lived. I've heard Santa Fe is cool; now I'd like to go see this cathedral. 

We had charcuterie (and a little risotto) for a fun dinner. 

After dinner, it wasn't too hot, so Francisco and I took a lovely evening walk. The ability to leave the kids for a few minutes is just too great. 

I finished Astell's A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, which I also loved. I'm starting another book in my mind. I know, I know--finish this one first. 

Nana took the boys yard saling this morning--a favorite shared activity. 

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the library, which the boys love--an old video game arcade, big chess pieces, and books books books. 

We watched Trump kiss the firefighter's helmet of the man who was killed at his rally. That was a truly mind-blowing moment. He did indeed speak more for unity than I've ever heard him speak. Although I'm not really sure how to mesh that with him and his supporters all lifting their fists and chanting "fight fight fight." But he's clearly speaking from a position of confidence that I've never seen him have before (usually I think he's very very deeply insecure). 

In the evening I listened to the things that made nice noises (someone needs to explain to me what exactly they are) and watched the lightning bugs and the stars come out. I made you a video. By me, for you. Okay, by God for all of us. 


Anonymous said...

katydids and crickets

hopkins said...

the best sound