Tuesday, September 10, 2024


On Saturday, I met a colleague and her son at Federal Chicken and Donuts and had a chicken sandwich for breakfast. 

I met with a publisher and had a feta and spinach samosa at the market (I'm telling you, the whole trip was about food). 

I went to a couple of talks, including my own, which was fun and good. 

In the evening, prompted by J's recommendation, I got one of the last seats at Zahav's bar, planning to enjoy a leisurely dinner alone. Well, I did enjoy a leisurely dinner--the tasting menu which had a lot of elements--but not alone: Someone I'd never met from the conference happened to be also dining alone at the bar, so we questioned each other on philosophy and life for 4.5 hours. It was fascinating, although I neglected the food a bit, paying more attention to the conversation. (I always think I'm Socrates in September while teaching the Gorgias.) Also, at these fancy places they are so careful to tell you everything that is on the plate, but it's so fancy that I don't actually know what the stuff is. I thought the halloumi was a fish, but Francisco said later that that's a cheese. Two little slices of something else with a cantaloupe sauce and a salad (a teaspoon of pureed green something). Anyway, the food was fascinating; the conversation was entertaining. 



Julia said...

Oh, I'm not sure I would have enjoyed my solo dinner at Zahav quite so much if I had to engage in Socratic conversation the whole time! But sounds like you enjoyed it for the most part (fish/cheese notwithstanding).

Emily Hale said...

Yeah, alone would be nicer...