Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Week

Yesterday was a nice, slow day with a coffee with a new colleague. 

I've been having so much fun with the biking and the walk to get us all to school.

Picking up our weekly dinners at the local store, I ran into a very old lady that I used to play tennis with (I imagine she's pushing 90) and she mentioned that she's had a stroke since I last saw her. "The key thing," she told me, "is to accept it, and I don't do that." I hear you, sister. 

But the most notable thing that happened to me in my wonderful middle-aged body last night was dizziness--for several hours in the evening, it felt like I was drunk, but I hadn't had anything to drink. So I put to the side the 5 loads of laundry that I need to fold before my parents arrive and I took to the couch and then to the bed and went to sleep early. 

I think it's probably a side effect of my newest medicine (it's at the top of the list of side effects when you google it, which I learned last night) or that funny crystal in your ear thing that can happen. So I'm doing the Epley maneuver and skipping my morning dose of medicine. I feel much better, thankfully, this morning, thought not 100 percent. Acceptance, huh? 


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