Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Week

It is too dark and cold for me to take pictures. 

Yesterday we found out that Q was one of three winners from his school for a little writing contest. We are all delighted. 

Q has been loving a children's book of philosophy that we got him for Christmas. He and his friends read it together in the after-school club. He is stumped by whether it is ok to do evil that good may come. I like seeing him wrestle with these ideas. 

This week we are giving big exams. As the furniture, I have a lot of responsibility--in addition to our first department meeting yesterday for a big review we're doing. Yesterday I came home totally exhausted--like wanted to fall asleep. What is wrong with me? 

BUT: I came home to steaming pea soup with garlic bread made by Francisco. Our whole family fairly happily ate it. You don't know what a rarity that is and how wonderful that was. 

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