Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Week


Teaching off campus: The first class with a reading. The trick will be, as I realized in the first couple of weeks, balancing the huge energy of everyone to talk and critique the reading in a big seminar with the interest in getting some clarity on parts of the reading, especially for those who are coming at this sort of text for the first time. 

Also, it's been since grad school that I taught a two-hour class. But in this class there's so much energy to talk and that energy just doesn't wear off at all till like 3/4 of the way through. So I need to think about when to break into smaller groups. 

The off-campus students love (so far) to bring up examples from the Bible--Job was a big topic of discussion today. I need to remember to have us recap the story for those who have less biblical literacy. 

We managed a podcast on the ride there--This American Life, The Case of Henry Dee. I really can't recommend it enough to you all. My second time listening and I was near tears. 

1 comment:

Ilana said...

Heartbreaking. I cried.