Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Week

This made a late afternoon meeting better. 

Blaze has gotten very funny lately. When practicing his piano yesterday he complained, "This is the hardest song of my career!"

During Pride and Prejudice, he put his observational skills to use: "Mr. Bingley doesn't have good judgment!" and "Mr. Bingley is silly!" I think he puts Bingley and Mr. Collins in approximately the same category. Then about Charlotte Lucas, "Never make a joke in front of the girl in the blue dress, because she won't think you're joking." He caught her seriousness!

Teaching off campus was very good, as usual. We stayed more on-point today, which was a huge relief to me. There was so much quoting from the text, so many good comments. And of course, there were big tangents too--we read Aristotle's Ethics, Book 2 for yesterday and the class found themselves at one point debating how much Christianity had influenced the American Founding. But in general, much more on point. 

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