Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Week

Great: "Later Tuesday, Mr. Trump said of Ukraine’s leadership and the war, 'You should have never started it.'"

I think I forgot to tell you about President's Day--a day off for the boys and a day on for me. I was volunteering to teach prospective students; Q did the reading and joined the discussion and loved it, I think. At one point he mentioned that the idea we were talking about sounded like noblesse oblige and I saw the students cock their heads and raise their eyebrows in disbelief. He chirped in when I was working to assess the class afterward and did a fine job on that, too. We all went to the the group lunch. At lunch he questioned one prospective student about what he is doing to prepare for his intended career in cybersecurity and they talked coding a bit. A victory: The lunch was make-your-own sandwiches and Q made himself one. (I think this is his second sandwich ever. I feel so much hope for his future!) He came to class with me later in the day, too, but he hadn't read for that class, so he was bored and instead read his book. 

Tuesday I taught off campus. It is a long day--driving a big van, lots of waiting as we enter, and two hours of teaching (I haven't taught in that long chunk since grad school). But it was a good class--we're learning to stay on point a bit more. And I'm telling the students we don't have to cover everything to have a good conversation! The off-campus students talk way more than the ones I bring with me. This reading was fascinating--magnanimity, wit, bravery, virtue and vice as voluntary or not (we talked about addiction). It was great. And what does it mean to become good through the discussion (Aristotle's goal when it comes to ethics). What is the role of the parents, the teacher, the state. We do lots of small groups each time, too, which everyone loves. 

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