Welcome Emmaline! For my birthday, I went up to Williamsport to see her!
The trip was perfect: Saturday was lots of football--Michigan won, so Wystan was happy.
We watched the Penn State game at my grandparent's house and had brownies and ice cream.
And I got to see my cousin and his wife and two little kids.
We even stopped by the Hepburn carnival, although there was no Fat Albert Rat Game this time.
On Sunday, I went to church and got to see the kids I used to babysit in DC. Eleanor (6) gasped in the pew when she saw me!
And of course, I got to see loads and loads of people at The Door!
Then Wystan took me out for a birthday lunch--I don't know any brunch places in Williamsport, so we went to the Bullfrog Brewery, which had nice sandwiches and sweet potato fries and fun music.
Then (finally!) we got to see Emmaline and her mother and father! (And grandparents and great-grandmother, actually--there are four generations living in that house now!) Emmaline is so pretty, and so, so good!
After that, we were invited elsewhere for cake and ice cream, but I was pretty tired at that point, so we had cake and ice cream with my parents.
I always ask for Angel Food cake, but more because that's what I had as a child than that it's my favorite cake now. I need to remember to ask for apple dumplings next year!
And, for the second year running, we've had a game of Password with my parents on my birthday.
And somewhere in the whirlwind tour, my father and I found time for our five-mile walk, and Wystan and I made it up to the graveyard.
Fall in Pennsylvania is the best--the weather is lovely, and the air is a little crisp. And so, as you can see, it was perfect.
1 comment:
Aw, I remember apple dumplings for your birthday!
Which reminds me, aren't you the one who put The Ghost and Mr. Chicken on my Netflix queue? Because it's now available on watch instantly...
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