Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Unfortunate Marketing Campaigns

So, in an effort to be healthier (no, it's really because they were cheaper), I bought multi-grain cheerios. Their slogan is, "More Grains Less You!" Who wants there to be less of them?! Also: what I didn't see on the box is that these are lightly sweetened. I guess the only way that they could make people eat these multi-grains is to sweeten them. In the future, I'll be sticking to the good old yellow box.

The ad campaign anticipating Mad Men's return is, I think, pretty tasteless. I love the introduction to Mad Men--it's part of the show that I don't want to miss. Possibly my favorite part of the show. But I never got the idea that the guy falling in the intro is falling off of a building and about to hit the ground (which is exactly the idea that these advertisements give me). Rather, the show's intro conjures up for me the lack of control you feel when you're falling, the sense that things are happening to you that you can't control. Honestly, these ads also remind me of the only time that I've ever seen a human being jump from a tall building--9/11. These ads were a mistake.

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