Monday, June 11, 2012

St. Augustine, the Town

Here's a quick tour through the rest of St. Augustine. There are a lot of statues of lions throughout.

Here are the old city gates.

And the old Spanish fort.

I had dinner at a restaurant downtown and one of the desserts was made in honor of a particular tree out front (this pink one; I forget what it's called). It's pretty odd to name a dessert after a tree, but when the tree is this beautiful, I think it's fitting!

Here is a giant live oak like I mentioned before, filled with Spanish moss.

Sadly, the downtown itself is mostly just touristy--there are innumerable shops that sell ice cream and crystal jewelry, and there are various touristy museums.

1 comment:

hopkins said...

gosh, i am sad i never visited. it looks just extraordinary. the tree is called bougainvillea. it is one of my favorites.