Saturday, February 9, 2013

Francisco, Computer Whisperer

One day, after flickering for a while, my screen flickered off and refused to flicker back on. I took it to my computer repair place, which I trust, and the man said that he was pretty sure it was the motherboard, so I should just buy a new laptop. I did (incidentally, the one I bought was touted as "so thin you could shave a badger with it" in an online review,. which is delightful), but I also brought the old one to Francisco for a second opinion.

After trying something that seemed to me to be an attempt at magic (pulsing the power button ten times in ten seconds and then depressing it for 30), and seeing no change, he opened it up.

My laptop is a rare hybrid Mac-Lenovo (which is to say, embarrassingly, on a whim, I stuck an apple sticker on the back). I'm very attached to my gigantic laptop. Like a baby, it comes with me everywhere. Unlike a baby, it plays me tv, music, my yoga video, the weather, movies, gchats, blogs, and email (not to mention, it makes phone calls and video calls). Which is to say, it is arguably better, at least in some ways, than a baby.

Seeing Francisco open it up was a little scary, like open heart surgery (picture here). But there was no alternative.

Turns out, it was a good move--Francisco figured out what was wrong, fixed it, and my laptop is as good as new. This is a great skill to be marrying into.

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