Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!

A wonderful day!

After some breakfast skip-bo, the adults set to work hiding the candy through the garden and through the whole house. Nana made a treasure hunt with clues for the bunnies; the boys loved this. Blaze's giggles echoed through the house, and Q adores solving things. 

We headed to a lovely mass with my parents. There was even a trumpet. All of the alleluia's! A really kind and caring priest. 

After a bit of cooking, Papa and I took a little bike ride together. I haven't been on the bike since the fall--and I have to prepare for an actual bike thing in May, so it was wonderful to get back on the bike and remember that I love it. 

And then dinner: Francisco made a really good leg of lamb, plus duck. I made lemon risotto (may have been my best) and brussels sprouts. We had it all with a nice sweet orange rose with an accent mark. Nana made chocolate cake, which we ate with ice cream. 

Between dinner and dessert, we walked to the park. Nana and Papa are incredible--they played tag and SPUD with the boys. 

Francisco and I found a tree covered with shoes. 

I've been thinking more about Faith Healer--two things: First of all, it is the least religious play I've ever seen, which is funny, given the topic. Second of all, I do not like the ending. The whole play shows struggle, but the ending does not. I really didn't like the ending--of course it is consistent with the character through the rest of the play. But truly--SPOILER ALERT--one does not want consistency; one wants the struggle to come out on the good side, if at all possible. 

What else to say? Papa kicked the very cheap soccer ball into the canal and then successfully fished it out, climbing over a bridge to do so. We laughed a lot. 

And we haven't celebrated Easter with family in years (I always have to work on Friday and Monday, which doesn't make it easy). It was totally blissful to celebrate with my parents this year. 


Hopkins said...

What a great day! Happy Easter to you all!

Emily Hale said...

Happy Easter!