Friday, June 28, 2024


Yesterday I headed up to my brother's to play with my two nephews while the rest of the family saw some doctors. 

The drive up to my brother's in the morning was just lovely. (I know, I know--Francisco already reproached me for taking pictures while driving.) The clouds in the valleys were lovely. The whole place where he lives is lovely. 


The boys and I adventured--all dinosaur related. Their imaginations and outdoor play skills are strong. The 3-year-old made a pond out of some dirt on the side of the house. 

My brother and sister-in-law fed me a homemade blueberry sourdough bagel. I'm in awe. 

We spent most of the time hunting for dinosaur eggs (which we thankfully found--pictured below) and then putting them on the swing, giving them naps, singing them hatching songs, and giving them a bath. We also made dinosaur-searching roars and sang dinosaur-searching songs. 

My brother told the boys that these are not the right color and that they are nuts--I am unimpressed with his imagination. 

I'm celebrating aunt time this summer. 

All these pictures are from #1tomatolover's property or his "garden," as Blaze Britishly calls is. 

Nana took my boys to VBS, an amazon cheap resale store, the park, and a creek. In the evening, the boys had a water fight. Oh and Papa, Q, and I watched the debate last night. A full day and everyone was tuckered out. I made chicken coconut curry for dinner. 

Oh and so so fun: We celebrated Q getting recognition in a little photography competition! So much fun last night to celebrate. 


Ilana said...

Our nephews will be disappointed to hear that their cousin thinks all dinosaurs are alligators.

Emily Hale said...

No imagination at all!!