Saturday, June 29, 2024


Friday was the last day of VBS, so I started with working in a coffee shop. 

Diana, an old friend, met me there and we went for a long walk through town. 

I picked up the kids and got to join in the closing mass--such a blessing to see the kids excited to be at church with their friends. 

This was a peaceful spot with lovely birdsong.

After a quick lunch, the kids and I met Diana and her sister and their collective six kids at a creek and playground for a very chill afternoon. 


At VBS, the leaders had challenged the kids to work on a little altar in their home. Blaze came up with this of his own accord! I love it. Yes, that is three marbles in a medicine bottle. Behind the children's Bible, there's a ceramic bowl with money in it for offering (Blaze's favorite part of mass). He suggested we say our evening prayers here!

For dinner, tons of food including delicious corn on the cob!

In the evening, the boys went fishing with Papa at a neighbor's pond. Lots of catfish and one sunny. Blaze, especially, was reeling them in! I just took pictures. 

Before bed, the lightening bugs came out!

Summer is perfect!


Hopkins said...

One of my favorite memories is watching the lightning bugs in the trees at the bonfire after your wedding.

Emily Hale said...

<3 <3 <3