Thursday, June 6, 2024

The End of Half-Term

I love London's half-term kids' activities, so we did a cyanotype/photography/art workshop at the V & A on Saturday. 

Blaze, a new speller, wrote "FRN"--fern. (Well, actually, F, R, upside down U.) That kid is a very serious crafter and does not need any help or advice. 

I love Blaze's underground symbol and Q's mosaic road.

For dinner Francisco made Marry-Me-Beans. He did not want to tell me the name of that recipe. They were sublime and were I not already married to him, I certainly would agree to it. 

At mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi, kids were receiving their first communion. The priest started his homily by asking if anyone had experienced a miracle. His point was that every Sunday we are present for the biggest miracle. But I've never seen a Catholic church get so much audience participation--everyone wanted to share theirs. And the woman in front of us shared that her toddler son with Down Syndrome, named Miracle!, was her miracle. Her son and I got along and so he insisted that I hold him for most of mass--and he fell asleep in my arms at the end! (I generally want to hold the little ones around me at mass, but I don't think most people would like to share their kid with strangers, so I was delighted by this child who insisted on rubbing noses with me as his form of kiss.)

The afternoon was an adventure--it was our last London Symphony Orchestra family day--there was a concert with songs about magic--complete with a magician. There were crafts and workshops on singing, percussion, and storytelling. A great day for the boys. I'm glad I can come along and watch their engagement and delight. 

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